A significant step towards a happy life is good health and it can only be achieved in a healthy environment. Seepage/Leakage/Damp is quite a common problem which the majority of Indian houses/offices must have had experienced at some point of time. The moisture and dampness due to this can result in fungal and bacterial growth which in turn could cause various allergies and other serious health-related problems to the residents.
The effects of water damage on your property (home, office, retail, school, etc) as well as on health can be extensive, and it may have massive damage. Therefore, ensuring that your home is free from any possible leakage and dampness has become one of the most significant factors to understand and take care of.

Common faults while dealing with Seepage/Leakage problems
Most of us usually approach waterproofing or paint companies or related vendors (plumbing/civil) to fix the seepage/damp/moisture problems. Painters or Waterproofing vendors or others usually fix the problem of seepage, wall paint peel off or dampness on the wall simply by removing the existing plaster/putty/paint and applying waterproofing solutions on the affected areas and repainting it again. This is indeed one of the most common mistakes done to solve this problem as it will solve the issue temporarily and the problem will occur soon again after a few days.
Reason is the root cause of seepage or other related problem has not been fixed. The primary step to solve the seepage/leakage problem is to find the source of the problem in the property. By employing thermal imaging technology / tools along with trained team, the source of seepage problem can be found out without damaging the property and can save you from the problems arising due to this Invisible Silent Killer.

How Home Inspection can help Waterproofing or other related vendors?
Waterproofing companies face the problem that after doing the treatment of damp/seepage/leakage affected areas, the problems often re-occur. Let us understand how home inspection helps and solves the problem faced by them:
- Home Inspection Detects the actual source of Moisture: Waterproofing or other vendors usually consider a set of reasons for damp or seepage in an affected area of home/property. For instance, in case of seepage at the adjacent wall to the bathroom or other wet areas, they try to take few factors like tile grouting and waterproofing treatment. But there can be other important factors which are hidden like leakage in concealed pipeline, damaged AC drain pipe or due to improper pipe outlet termination (in this situation, it will damage ceiling of below storey) etc, etc.
- Curbs expenditure on the treatment: Home Inspection experts diagnose the problem areas, identify the exact source of seepage/leakage and provide long-term solution. This reduces the cost of treatment that differs from other vendors which suggests the solution without understanding the issue properly. You can go through this case study https://macj-abuyerschoice.com/classic-case-mystery-water-seepage-false-ceiling-non-identifiable-source/ where a recurring – destructive – high cost problem was solved in minutes with virtually no cost once the exact source of the seepage was identified by home inspection.
- Provides Third-party assurance: There are instances where the client requires surety regarding treatment to waterproofing or other vendors and this assurance is provided by home inspection professionals. Being experts in the advanced technology, third-party assurance is welcomed by clients of the waterproofing companies. This adds to the credibility of waterproofing companies.
- Works Below ground level: For below ground level areas like basement, Waterproofing or other related vendors/contractors prefer the advice of home inspectors to know the correct scope of work and criticality of affected areas. As these types of areas are large in size, it is better for waterproofing companies to understand the actual area of work along with the source of problem.
- Prevent from unforeseen costs and future problems: Getting a professional home inspection done to look for potential issues along this exact source helps to prevent future problems and thereby will save unforeseen costs. Home / Property Inspectors will look out for all areas to find any hidden problem (along with its cause) which can removes future hassles for clients.For instance, according to home inspection professionals below are some possible reasons for seepage:
- It can happen due to faulty internal plumbing which are mostly concealed:
- Leaky drainage pipes or plumbing fittings at home
- Outflow in the water supply pipes
- A leakage in the neighborhood property’s internal plumbing (eg – Leakage from the Bathroom or Kitchen on the Floor Above.)
- Water dampness and seepage happens when the exterior walls are not plastered properly or due to the use of poor-quality plastering materials. And it can also happen through exterior walls from gaps around the window frame or cracks in the walls.
- Seepage of water through floor tiles in bathrooms/kitchens of floor/flat / terrace above.
- Poor waterproofing at the time of construction.
- Others – it can happen due to AC condensation, damaged AC drain pipe, drain pipes not properly terminated in the outlet, etc.
- It can happen due to faulty internal plumbing which are mostly concealed:
- Health & Safety Factors: Home Inspection (Health & safety checkup of homes and other types of properties) is a third-party professional service, provided by certified trained home inspectors who determine the present condition of the home’s components. Home inspection professional also detects the unsafe areas of the home. Safety is one of the key aspects that a home inspector focuses on during an inspection. It is the need of the hour to have safer homes.
Now let us understand more about home inspection services.

What does a home inspection service include?
Home inspection is a third-party property inspection service that home buyers opt for to make a complete analysis of the condition of the property. The analysis covers health, safety and other quality aspects of the property one is about to buy or already staying. It is a complete assessment of property considering various factors. To understand read What is Home Inspection? Learn the Basics of It!
Home Inspectors use advanced technology scanning devices to carry out such elaborate yet non-invasive home inspections. Based on their reports, waterproofing company and their clients can get idea about necessary repairs and prevent you from future potential problems. Home inspection has become an essential part of living.

How MACJ – A Buyers Choice Home Inspection Would Benefit You – Waterproofing/Other Vendors and Home owners?
With the help of home inspection, Waterproofing companies will work in a better way as they will have the complete idea about the actual source of the problem, the scope of work, necessary repairs & solutions, and can additionally guide their clients to prevent the potential problems and safety hazards.
In the case of a Homeowner, he will be more assured about the work being done, overall expenditure will be reduced, and will get additional advantage from home inspection coverage.
Through this article, our objective was mainly to make you aware of how a home inspection can help waterproofing or other related vendors by satisfying the requirement of their customers in the long run.