- Government of Maharashtra established Maharashtra Real Estate Regulatory Authority (MahaRERA), dated 8 March 2017, for regulation and promotion of real estate sector in the State of Maharashtra, with its headquarters at Mumbai.
- As per the RERA Act, Maharashtra, Maha RERA has established Real Estate Regulatory Authority for regulation and promotion of the real estate sector in the State / UTs.
- RERA Maharashtra strives to facilitate the growth and promotion of a healthy, transparent, efficient and competitive real estate sector while protecting the interest of allottees, promoters and real estate agents. The authority shall also establish an adjudicating mechanism for speedy dispute redressal regarding registered real estate projects.
- The office of MahaRERA is located at Bandra (E).
- MahaRERA has also launched maharera website: www.maharera.mahaonline.gov.in
The current Status of projects & Realtors under MahaRERA is as follows:
Status of projects registered under MahaRERA:
- Projects Registered but not completed: 16396
- Projects Registered and completed: 3981
- Projects yet to be Registered: 162
Status of MahaRERA registered Real Estate Agents:
- Registered Realtors: 19423
- Realtors yet to be Registered: 67
Status of Complaints disposed under MahaRERA:
- Complaint Received and disposed: 4176
- Complaint in process of hearing: 2292